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Today we can share information quickly with just about anyone. The problem is that the information you're sharing might not be accurate. So let's take a look into some myths surrounding the Internet.
Myth 1: Internet and WiFi are the same thing
Answer: No
The Internet is comprised of thousands of inter-connected networks. It is a massive, expansive global communications network. Each Internet Service Provider (ISP) eithers owns or manages their own network, allowing users to connect to the Internet. WiFi involves connecting devices to an ISP's network with a wireless connection.
We talk more about the distinction between the Internet and WiFi in an earlier post.
Myth 2: The Dark Web is only used for criminal activity
The dark web is encrypted online content that is not available through conventional search engines or browsers. Specific browsers, such as Tor (the onion router) browser are required to reach the dark web. Using the dark web provides much more privacy than standard Internet usage.
Although the dark web is used for various kinds of illegal activity, any website can exist on the dark web. Facebook has a website that can only be accessed using a Tor browser.
Other peoples that frequently need to remain anonymous online such as journalists, activists, and people in authoritarian countries, use the dark web so they don't leave a digital footprint behind.
The Tor browser was originally funded by the US Navy in the mid 1990's. The Government needed a way of protecting U.S. intelligence communications online.
Myth 3: Al Gore Invented the Internet
Al Gore did not invent the Internet, nor did he claim to have invented it. During a 1999 interview with CNN, Gore was asked to describe what set him apart from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination. Gore replied, "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system."
Perhaps his wording wasn't ideal, but it's quite obvious Gore was stating he was instrumental in developing the Internet in an economic sense. Gore's statement was defended by Internet pioneers Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf (the "father of the Internet") in 2000. They recognized that "Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development."
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