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Get 3 months of advanced Parental and Security features for just $0.99!

We value our customers and want them to have the best possible experience with their CityWest services. Use the HomeNet app to customize and take control of your Wi-Fi network.

HomeNet Advanced offers advanced parental controls and adds security to every device on your network to ensure you and your family are staying connected and protected online.

We're excited to offer our customers these advanced features for just $0.99 for their first 3 months! 

By upgrading to HomeNet Advanced, you'll gain access to these great features:





See Internet usage trends
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Manage Wi-Fi Passwords
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Create Guest Networks check mark
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Set Parental Controls
(included with ExperienceIQ)

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Set time limits on devices
(included with ExperienceIQ)


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Add content & web filters
(included with ExperienceIQ)
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Virus protection
(included with ProtectIQ)
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Enhanced device protection
(included with ProtectIQ)
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Gigaspire with Wi-Fi 6 check mark


Contact us at 1-800-442-8664 to speak with a representative if you'd like to upgrade to our HomeNet Advanced features, or have any questions. Billing for the HomeNet Advanced features will be added onto your monthly CityWest bill.

If you'd like more information on our HomeNet app, click here.

For download and installation instructions, click here.

*HomeNet Advanced requires a Gigaspire Router. Additional costs may apply.
Conditions apply.